Where are the Men’s Prayer Meetings?
Where are the Men’s Prayer Meetings? This is a RANT. It is a way for me to get this off my chest. It is RAW and UNFILTERED. This message is jumbled because I just need to express myself while it is active in my mind and heart. Later I MIGHT come back to this and put it into a more orderly Bible teaching and/or sermon The bottom line is that it disturbs me deeply that Christian men do not come together to pray OFTEN. It seems logical that they would want to meet for prayer IF they fully embraced the FACT that they are accountable to God as the head of their marriage and family. They would assemble for MUTUAL support and encouragement due to the challenges from the world, the flesh, and the devil. IF they embraced the Word of God as doers and not just hearers THEN they would realize the greater responsibility to intercede often for those in their local church, community, and the mission field. IF they fully EMBRACED the biblical fact that as a husband they are head of the ...